How do Housing Associations understand and demonstrate the impact or success of their community centres for their residents and communities? This report has been researched and written by Kira Baker, a final-year undergraduate student at the University of...
What works: Successful community hubs
Published March 2018 Community businesses are usually established by local communities in order to meet a local need, whether that is to revive local assets, protect the services that local people rely on, or address local needs. To further build the...
Across our networks in May & June
Across all of our networks there has been a big focus on the cost of living crisis. Colleagues have wanted to discuss this and share information about problems their residents are facing, and how they are working within their organisations to meet these challenges....
Northern Ireland Network: Housing Associations aim to Stamp Out Antisocial Behaviour
Press release by NIFHA, 29 May 2022 A campaign to tackle antisocial behaviour and promote good neighbourhood relations has been launched by the NI network of the HACT Centre of Excellence in Community Investment which is made up of a range of housing and community...
The Centre discusses… How sport contributes to strong communities
Wednesday 29 September, 10:00-11:00am We will hear from Sport for Development Coalition and Cotman Housing Association about the contribution that sport and physical activity can make in strengthening communities and contributing to the positive social outcomes that...
Operation WiFi: An opportunity for housing associations
#OperationWifi is a campaign to create the largest open and free to use wireless network that enables people in low-income communities to get online, and is fully supported by the Centre for Excellence in Community Investment. When the first national...
Updated guidance on impact measures
As of October 2020, we are into Phase 2 of this project. The figures in this second phase are have been expanded and are designed to capture the range of ways that housing associations support their residents. The purpose of these measures is to record...
A sector together: the social housing sector and Covid-19
An anthology of stories, statistics and viewpoints that capture how social housing organisations responded to the Covid-19 pandemic across the UK.
A Sector Together
More Resources
Places After the Pandemic
PlaceShapers asked HACT to support it in identifying and assessing the experiences and trends in members’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. This report outlines those findings and makes recommendations.
NIFHA members response
Tracey Ellis, Policy and Practice Officer at NIFHA, discusses how its members have been responding to the crisis as well as how to build on and sustain that community resilience.
The impact of Covid-19 on charities and community centres
Janette Vizard, who is a Grants and Social Value Officer at Bromford Housing, discusses the financial impact of Covid-19 on small charities and considerations around reopening community centres.
The Centre for Excellence in Community Investment is an initiative from HACT. We partner with organisations across the social housing sector to drive value for residents and communities. We do this through insight-led products and services that encourage innovation and foster collaboration.
If you need help developing a community investment strategy, measuring your social value or demonstrating the business case for community investment, we can help make it happen. Get in touch and let’s start the conversation.