Janette Vizard, who is a Grants and Social Value Officer at Bromford Housing, discusses the financial impact of Covid-19 on small charities and considerations around reopening community centres.
A new funding opportunity
Last week, I attended an interesting event to showcase the Community Impact Partnership, a £3m social investment fund run by Clarion, Peabody L&Q and Orbit. The programme provides an alternative option to traditional models of funding by offering a blend of grants and loan of between £25,000 and £150,000 to community businesses, social enterprises and charities.
Making communities great again: James Howick
James works at Saltworkz, a community café in Haywards Heath, and has been involved with youth work there since 2015.
Five ways housing associations underpin inclusive growth
With the support of the National Housing Federation, RSA Inclusive Growth Commission identified five practical ways to make local economies across the UK more prosperous and inclusive. They explored what roles housing providers currently play and what they can do to support inclusive growth.
The Centre for Excellence in Community Investment is an initiative from HACT. We partner with organisations across the social housing sector to drive value for residents and communities. We do this through insight-led products and services that encourage innovation and foster collaboration.
If you need help developing a community investment strategy, measuring your social value or demonstrating the business case for community investment, we can help make it happen. Get in touch and let’s start the conversation.