Financial inclusion in social housing: Policy into practice
Authors: Pat Conaty, Karl Dayson, Bob Marchant and Bob Paterson
Published by the National Housing Federation, March 2008
Working with members and other partners, the NHF developed this guide to help housing associations to step up a gear in promoting financial inclusion. It is designed to assist busy social housing staff to find creative new ways of helping tenants to manage their money.
It highlights the options open to social housing providers as they consider their approach to meeting residents’ needs, and looks at some of the innovative good practice in the sector – as well as sharing some of the lessons learned from less successful projects.
It shows that there is a ‘business case’ for fi nancial inclusion in that it reduces rent arrears levels. But more importantly, it also demonstrates that by making key fi nancial services easier to access, housing associations can enhance the quality of residents’ lives and the communities they live in.