Housing Association Youth Network (HAYN)

About the network and chairs

Sarah Willis

Sarah Willis

Head of Strategic Partnerships and National Delivery at MTVH, HAYN Co-Chair

I’m the Head of Strategic Partnerships and National Delivery at MTVH, and I’m passionate about creating the conditions for residents to thrive in local communities. In a past role, I managed Positive Futures, Britain’s largest national youth crime prevention programme, and have significant experience with Government programmes including Every Child Matters, Extended Service Schools and Targeted Youth Support across 32 local authorities. As co-chair of HAYN I want to amplify young people’s voices so they influence services, policies and decision making that affects their lives.  

Daniel Rose

Daniel Rose

Spotlight Centre Director at Poplar Harca, HAYN Co-Chair

My background is in youth and social work, and I feel irresistibly challenged to find creative ways to work with and support young people as part of my role! As Co-Chair of HAYN I want to work in partnership to make sure that effective youth work is recognised as a vital part of community services, and invest in youth services to help our young people develop resilience.

Most organisations in HAYN are in the South. There is also Northern HAYN, which is supported by Northern Housing Consortium. If you want to receive more information on Northern HAYN, please email info@ceci.org.uk

If you want to join Basecamp, the network’s online collaboration space, please email adam.chester@hact.org.uk

You can also join our ‘New Opportunities’ Basecamp team, where we will post about new funding, collaboration or job opportunities that will be relevant for all of our networks. Link to join here 

Upcoming network dates

Each network meeting has a unique registration link. Please ensure you register separately for all the meetings you would like to attend.

When you register for a network meeting, you will receive an invitation to join the HAYN Basecamp team. If you don’t want to join Basecamp please contact adam.chester@hact.org.uk 

Agendas will be posted here and on Basecamp ahead of meetings

Thursday 28 April 10.30am - 12.30pm

Notes and presentations from this meeting are on Basecamp

Tuesday 9 August 10.30am-12pm
Thursday 13 October 10.30am-12pm
Thursday 19 January 2023 10.30am-12pm

Stay connected between meetings

The Centre uses Basecamp, an online collaboration space, to help network members stay connected in between meetings. On basecamp you can:

  • Ask questions and share resources with other members of the network
  • Access notes from previous network meetings
  • View dates for upcoming meetings

To join the HAYN Basecamp group please contact adam.chester@hact.org.uk

You can see a screenshot of Basecamp’s simple interface below.


You can also join our ‘New Opportunities’ Basecamp team, where we will post about new funding, collaboration or job opportunities which will be relevant for all of our networks. Link to join here