Northern Ireland network

About the network and chair

Grainne Mullin

Grainne Mullin

Community Investment Manager at Radius Housing Association, Northern Ireland Network Chair

I have worked in housing for over 20 years, with Radius for 11 years. I moved into Community Investment because I could clearly see its benefit across the vast housing remit. I chair the NI network as I feel passionate that we can deliver more together and that genuine collaboration across the sector will ensure the very best outcomes for all of our communities. The NI network has just successfully completed our first truly collaborative project, the first of many I hope!

If you want to join Basecamp, the network’s online collaboration space, please email

You can also join our ‘New Opportunities’ Basecamp team, where we will post about new funding, collaboration or job opportunities that will be relevant for all of our networks. Link to join here 

Northern Ireland Network: Housing Associations aim to Stamp Out Antisocial Behaviour

This animated video is part of a campaign to tackle antisocial behaviour and promote good neighbourhood relations, it was launched by the NI network of the HACT Centre of Excellence in Community Investment.

Tenants from various housing associations across Northern Ireland were involved in the production process, with their lived experience being key to getting the key messages of advocating positive behaviours amongst tenants in order to create more settled and connected neighbourhoods, and simultaneously reducing the cases of ASB reported to housing associations. 

Read the full press report by NIFHA here.


Upcoming network dates

The Northern Ireland network meets monthly to continue it’s collaborative working. If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact You will also receive an invitation to join the Northern Ireland Network Basecamp team. Please say if you don’t want to join Basecamp. 

Agendas will be posted here and on Basecamp ahead of meetings


Thursday 9 June 3-4pm

Notes from this meeting are on Basecamp

Thursday 7 July 3-4pm

Notes from this meeting are on Basecamp

Thursday 11 August 10am-1pm

This meeting will be in-person at Connswater offices in Belfast in order to plan our next collaborative project. If you would like to receive an invite, please contact

Friday 9 September 10.30am-12pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 13 October 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 10 November 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 8 December 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 12 January 2023 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 9 February 2023 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Thursday 9 March 2023 3-4pm

If you would like to receive the Zoom invite, please contact

Stay connected between meetings

The Centre uses Basecamp, an online collaboration space, to help network members stay connected in between meetings. On basecamp you can:

  • Ask questions and share resources with other members of the network
  • Access notes from previous network meetings
  • View dates for upcoming meetings

To join the Northern Ireland Network Basecamp group please contact

You can see an screenshot of Basecamp’s simple interface below.



You can also join our ‘New Opportunities’ Basecamp team, where we will post about new funding, collaboration or job opportunities which will be relevant for all of our networks. Link to join here