The South West Network Meeting March 2020

6 March 2020


Sovereign Housing Association - Golf Course Lane #Unit 11, Bristol, BS34 7PZ

This will be the first meeting of the South West network for community investment.

At the meeting, we will explore shared priorities across organisations, future topics for discussion, and discuss how we want the network to operate.


10.30am - Welcome and introductions

10.40am - Opening brief re the Centre of Excellence in Community Investment and the national Network

11.10am - Introductions from other network partners – NHF and CtW

11.30am - Coffee break

11.40am - Open discussions on:

• Forward looking agenda planning – Prioritising topics

• Confirming logistics – frequency, locations, how will video conferencing working in the future

• Potential guest speakers

• Potential opportunities for collaboration

12.30pm Next steps and any other business

12.40pm Networking Lunch