The cost of living crisis has made the need for residents’ to successfully access Universal Credit all the more important. If you want to help your residents to apply for Universal Credit, then Hyde’s free tool can help. It’s a step-by-step guide. It’s easy to use....
Financial literacy / capability
A Sector Together
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Hardship and poverty Covid-19 briefing
This series of briefings address significant issues that are emerging in the UK as a result of Covid-19 that impact on the work of community investment. In each one, we have brought together available evidence to help you think about and plan future...
More calls, more support, more impact
Between March and May 2020, social housing organisations provided almost £500,000 in financial assistance, made almost half a million welfare calls and identified just over 175,000 vulnerable residents.
Research: The Impact of Welfare Reform on Tenants, Rent Collection and Perceptions of Social Housing
Michael Marshall, who is undertaking a PhD at the University of Sheffield on the topic of welfare reform and social housing, answers our questions on what his research could tell community investment teams.
One year on: Financial stability
We take a look back at HACT’s head of social value James Williams wrote a blog on financial stability.
Great Places Commission: final report
With support from the National Housing Federation, the Commission visited towns and cities across the North and Midlands, meeting housing associations, stakeholders and local residents. Using the learning from this process, the Commission has made ten recommendations.
Taking financial wellbeing to the next level
This White Paper from Orbit Group and Fairbanking explains how Orbit Group is helping its customers take control of their finances.
What works? Evaluation of the DOSH financial capability programme
The evaluation of the DOSH programme is based on answering the following question: is digital support, therapeutic mentoring or a combination of these elements more effective in improving the financial capability of A2Dominion residents?
Evaluation of the Supported Rent Flexibility pilot
Author: Damon GibbonsPublished by Centre for Responsible Credit, June 2018The Supported Rent Flexibility project was devised by the Centre for Responsible Credit, Well Thought Ltd., and Optivo Housing Association and delivered from January 2017 to March 2018. A group...
Five ways housing associations underpin inclusive growth
With the support of the National Housing Federation, RSA Inclusive Growth Commission identified five practical ways to make local economies across the UK more prosperous and inclusive. They explored what roles housing providers currently play and what they can do to support inclusive growth.
Financial inclusion in social housing: Policy into practice
Working with members and other partners, the NHF developed this guide to help housing associations to step up a gear in promoting financial inclusion. It is designed to assist busy social housing staff to find creative new ways of helping tenants to manage their money.
The Centre for Excellence in Community Investment is an initiative from HACT. We partner with organisations across the social housing sector to drive value for residents and communities. We do this through insight-led products and services that encourage innovation and foster collaboration.
If you need help developing a community investment strategy, measuring your social value or demonstrating the business case for community investment, we can help make it happen. Get in touch and let’s start the conversation.